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Jan 29, 1933 cont.
Tired as a dog when I finished but it was certainly worth while trip.
Jan 30, 1933.
At office working on mail of which there was an enormous accumulation. Elmer Williams was in and a constant stream of callers all day so that I had a hard time getting dictating done.
Jan 31, 1933.
In office general office works in preparation for trip south. wrote reports - mail etc.
Feb 1, 1933
Left [[striketrough]] office [[/strikethrough]] 8:00 AM - had teeth cleaned and looked at cabinet lumber with Prof then to see John for few minutes - gave Pat instructions for building rockery on Court st and then to office where I cleared my desk - then home to measure birds cabinet and spent evening packing - seeing John etc.
Feb. 2, 1933.
To office - saw Jewett and got shells - also saw Fugate - to city park with dad & then started for Roseburg arriving there at 630 PM with Clara accompanying. Look like fine weather coming up.
Feb 3, 1933. Call at Leedy's office & discuss work with him. also Parker. Call at Forest office & see V. Harpham & Thurston. several others. Then to Branson's for lunch & to Medford stopping at Gazely to see John [[Ulam?]] & go out to one of his poison stations where he had an isolated well placed station on top of a ridge. Uses too many baits. Burys them but always puts two or three