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Feb 18, 1933.
   At Phoenix revising load & left at 1150 AM arr Tucson 700 P.M. We stopped enroute to see birds & plants. Saw my first Yuma round tailed squirrels & also [[underlined]] Lepus alleni [[/underlined]]. Collected a number of birds including a very [[underlined]] pale horned owl. Cactus wren, Black throated sparrows, gilded flicker, Gumbels quail - a queer looking Rock wren - a thrasher [[/underlined]]  Skinned birds until midnight.  Crippled a [[underlined]] Harris Hawk [[/underlined]] & a cardinal that I couldn't find
Feb 19, 1933. 
   Arose ahead of Gilchrist & skinned the Owl. We left Tucson 9:45 AM and arrived in El Paso at 730 P.M. after a rather hard trip. Collected one [[underlined]] White Necked Raven [[/underlined]] & 1 [[underlined]] Coopers Hawk [[/underlined]]. Saw a great many [[underlined]] Red tails [[/underlined]] and a [[underlined]] Ferrugineous Rough Leg!?) [[/underlined]] Few small birds except [[underlined]] shrikes & Chestnut backed Bluebirds [[/underlined]]  skinned birds in P.M. starting at 1100 PM after meeting R.B Hichinson
Feb 20, 1933
   Left El Paso 800 AM. accompanied by Laythe & wife arrived Abilene Texas at 1000 PM. Very rough road & a hard trip Saw few interesting birds. One [[underlined]] thrasher [[/underlined]] of some kind and a number of [[underlined]] cardinals. White necked Ravens [[/underlined]] far more abundant than I ever saw any in our country. 
Feb 25 1933
   Left Abilene Texas 800 AM and arrived Texarkana at 745 PM. Stopped in Dallas for a couple of hours for lunch with Whitehead. 
Feb 22, 1933.
   Left Texarkana 9.15 AM and arrived