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Mar 24, 1933
rice fields. [[underlined]] Redwing blackbirds - boat tailed Grackles, Mockers, cardinals - meadowlarks & Black Vultures [[/underlined]] were among the birds identifiable by car. Every inhabitant of the country has a boat & a fish pole & all seem to be using the latter. Country as flat as a pancake & a vast swamp all the way across except for a little area around New Iberia & Laffiette. Made about 320 miles - long ones too today. 
Mar 25, 1933
It rained hard all night & the roadsides near Beaumont were a sea of mud. By the time we reached Victoria we were out of it & things were dried up at San Antonio where we arrived at 400 PM. Texas Bluebonnets, a mallow (Callirhoe involucrata) a butter cup & others including an early Castilliga were much in evidence. Went out a while with Landon to a hunters camp & found a few birds. [[underlined]] Carolina Wren, Black crested Titmouse [[/underlined]] etc, To Landons for dinner & bridge & then to hotel to skin birds. 
Mar 26, 1933
With Whitehead to his ranch near New Braunfels on the Guadaloupe River. a beautiful spot where [[underlined]] cardinals [[/underlined]] were exceedingly abundants. Also saw numerous other birds of which ten were collected & will have to be identified. They included a [[underlined]] woodpecker, Black throated green warbler [[/underlined]] a [[underlined]] vireo [[/underlined]] etc. after there left San Antonio for Del Rio and on the way I collected 3 [[underlined]] Harris [[/underlined]]