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April 4, 1933 cont.
From Julian we pitched down a steep canyon where we soon saw Yucca whipplei blooming abundantly also Mescal. Ocitillia barrel
cactus and a beautiful rose pink  opuntia with few spines.  Birds were scarce.
[[underlined]] Shrikes, Horned Larks two Red tailed hawks. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Crows-buzzards [[/underlined]] furnished the bulk. [[?]]
Near Aquanga Riverside Co found a [[underlined]] long eared Owl [[/underlined]] sitting so close on the nest that several shots of the 
aux failed to dislodge him. Secured [[underline]] Nuttalls Woodpecker [[/underline]] and in San Felipe found a [[underline]] Cactus wren [[/underline]] which I collected. The cactus forest in San Felipe Canyon was marvelous and I took several photos. Would have tried more but the wind was blowing a gaile. 
April 5, 1933
Took the Rockne to the agency & left it to see if it might be possible to take the growl out of it. Sounds like the generator bearings. Then with Poole & Traub to El Centro-Yuma-Calexico & Painted Gorge to see the type of thing they are up against in control work. Saw many [[underline]] Cassin Kingbirds [[/underline]] one [[underline]] Black capped Gnatcatcher, a ground Dove [[/underline]] many [[underline]] mourning doves, mockers, meadowlarks and shrikes. [[/underline]]
This side of the Colorado is a mass of great moving sand dunes and the balance of the country outside irrigation ditches covered with mesquite-creosote bush. the desert lily a punts[[??]] abronia & a beautiful big [[?]] Took some pictures but the wind interfered greatly.
April 6-1933
With Porter Traub out over Salton Sea