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May 30, 1933 cont.
Traveled in to Enterprise arriving 600 pm. Columbian squirrels very abundant about Sled springs. Mertensias & [[stragonuchium?]] gone. Cats ears not quite out.
May 31, 1933.
To Target Springs & adjoining territories while my car was being repaired. Traveled with Jewett & George Rodgers.
[[underline]] Evening Grosbeaks, Crossbills, Purple Finches & Nutcrackers [[/underline]] abundant in yellow pine & all filled to overflowing with pine seeds. The birds were working about the areas of melting snow. Primula [[ausechiana?]] in full bloom in a few places. Also Mertensia pulchella - [[Sesyunclium?]] grandiflorum - Claytonia - Fritillaria pudica and Sieversia ciliate. No coyotes or coyote tracks.
June 1, 1933
Lv Enterprise at 745 AM. Stop & confer with Fred Furst & others at Wallowa forest office and stop Avery's office La Grande. Also saw Dobbyns & Fugate at Meacham and came on into Hermiston. We detoured to Four Mile Lake but failed to find any coyote sign there tho a bunch of sheep were watering there.
Terrible change in vegetation at & near Meacham so that it was very difficult to find Mertensia which was in full bloom less than a week ago. Grass & other weeds had grown so much that they were well concealed. E. parviflorum and [[Dodocallium?]] parviflorum in same category.