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July 17, 1933. cont.
at camp and the next morning we found a pair feeding young in an old snag some 30 feet high on top of the main range
[[underlined]] Fox Sparrow [[/underlined]]. Heard several singing  & collected two adults. (one partial albino) and a fledgling just out of nest. They were commonly distributed over the chaparral & second growth fir thickets.
[[underlined]] Hermit Thrush.[[/underlined]]
Common & one collected which seemed very small in comparison with others.
[[underlined]] Olive sided Flycatcher. [[/underlined]] (sev)
[[underlined]] Eurpidonax. [[/underlined]] Common but none collected
[[underlined]] Chipping sparrow [[/underlined]] (common)
Blue grouse (Two)
Blue fronted Jay (1)
[[underlined]] Calavaras Warbler [[/underlined]] Sev
Pileated Woodpecker (vc) 
Turkey Buzzard sev).
On afternoon noticed [[underlined]] Band Tailed Pigeons [[/underlined]] frequently along the coast.
July 18, 1933.
Left Chectco at 7:00 A.M. and stopped in Gold Beach to confer with several men & then out to Judge Bentey's to discuss the situation with him. Promised more money in Sept so that Miller could go back to work. Heard many bitter comments  of C.C.C. crews all along the way. Tried to see Boo Knox in Gold Beach but he was out. arrived at Tara Nule in Coos Co 8 PM
[[underlined]] July 19, 1933 [[/underlined]]
Left 10 miles at 7:00 AM arr DePoe Bay 6:30 PM Examined various beaches along the way.