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shifted 40 miles away so just went over last work they did.  Then into Reno stopping along road to collect a few birds.  Fixed cars for trip north tomorrow and to office for mail. 

Aug 24, 1933
Left Sans at 600 AM enroute to antelope refuge.  Met Dr Philips and then enroute to refuge arriving at 600 P.M.  Received note from Miss King enclosing letter from Lemon regarding articles.  Numerous deer came to drink at fountain in evening

Aug 25, 1933.
Saw Greennalt[[?]]. Looked over Antelope seening[[?]] about 350 Snow Lake & Hobble Springs & scatter bands all over Yellow Peak.  Climbed peak in PM and here waterbed sage hens & deer again in evening

Aug 26, 1933
Left at 645 AM arr Redmond Ore midnight stopped in Alturas for conference with Keyes & Hupe regarding work.  Planned to see some but crews being moved.  Saw Vic Johnson & Merle Jacobs in Lakeview - Goudy in Silver Lake enroute.  Jacobs has 21 coyotes for month including only four pups.  Goudy wants to go back to work on gophers. 

Aug 27, 1933
Conference with Fred Sankey at Redmond - then left for home 1000 AM, arrived in Portland 800 PM.
Aug 28, 1933
In office general office work answering mail conferences, etc.  Speer - Davidson Raker.  Eliot - John Carter.  Prof Dubois etc  Lunch with Dr [[ Basson?]]

Aug 29, 1933.
In office general office work