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[[strikethrough]] that evening. [[/strikethrough]]
Sept 5, 1933
Left Green Bay at 730 AM. Loons calling in morning and white winged crossbills in yard. Drove thru Bonner's Ferry Spokane & camped in auto camp at Ellensburg where we had the best accomodations yet available on trip Nice cabin - good range - good wood - showers etc.
Sept 6, 1933
Left Ellensburg at 930 AM arr Portland at 600 PM. Nice day but windy & bad in spots. Showers had settled dust. We were glad to get home in spite of the beautiful country we have been seeing.
Sept. 7, 1933
In office in am - Very busy day. Left at 400 PM arriving Depoe Bay at 700 PM, Met Jewett & Braley.
Sept 8, 1933
Out on ocean all day in two trips
Pink footed shearwater c
Sooty shearwater c
Pomeraine Jaegar c 2 collected
Marbled Murrelet c
Tufted Puffin c
Pigeon Guillemot Sev.
Black footed Albatross (2)
Drove to Portland in evening arriving at 1000 P.M. Stopped at cottage & repaired window.
Sept 9, 1933
At office in morning. Conference with Fraley. With Speer in afternoon to call on Mr. Laing. Found him still pretty much worked up over his treatment at City Hall. Then home to skin birds. Made up Jaeger & Murrelet and skinned out one shearwater. 
To annual meeting of Audubon Soc & talked on conservation. Then to John Carters