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Oct 15
N.F. Met Vance in charge of Reservation & he is very much pleased with squirrel work done there CCC camps. Good clean up so far as I could observe. Lots of Band tail pigeons here.
Thence to Glenville on Sequoia where we met Ranger Baird Leut. [[?]] in charge of camp 575 - the camp doctor & various others. All seem to be fond of Lewis and well please with the work & the way he handled men. Results look good everywhere and we inspected a lot of the area in Greenhorn mt. & stayed in camp 575 arriving there 530 pm
Oct 16, 1933
Left Camp 575 at 700 AM and checked other side of Greenhorn mt. Squirrels beginning to hole up now. At Bakersfield into Butch's office & met Fox & Bradshaw his deputies. Everyone excited over cotton pickers strike. Then from Bakersfield to Santa Maria. Never saw so many birds in Cal as we  saw in Cayema Valley. [[underline]] Bluebirds - Zinotrichia, Horned Larks, & Linnets [[/underline]] everywhere & a good sprinkling of other birds. Collected my first [[underlne]] Bells Sparrows & 1 Lecontes Thrasher [[/underline]] both new to me. Met Kellogg & Olsen & MacNutt in the hotel this evening. arrived here 530 PM
Oct 17, 1933.
Left Santa Maria 900 AM up La Brea Canyon with Frank Beyers, Kellog, Olsen & Keyes. quite a gang & I did not take it too well. Good job on squirrels in a difficult country. Steep canyons with little grassy patches in slope & bottoms. Quite a squirrel infestation. Most of water drying up & hundreds of quail concentrated about water holes. Guess I could have killed a dozen in one shot in