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Oct 24, 1933
at inspection station
Oct 25, 1933
Left King City at 930 AM after conference with Olsen & Richards. Stopped enroute to see L. R. Cody who wants plants with berries of Ilex pernyi and also our form of [[underline]] Geneata praecox [[/underline]] with better flowers. Stopped in Berkeley & secured car - collected Clara June & came on over to San Francisco. arriving 530 pm. Took C.J. to a German Restaurant for dinner
Oct 26, 1933
To Forest Office where I found chief & Tonkin. Conferred with Nelson - Beeson & chief & then to wool growers convention at Palace Hotel to hear chief speak. Went on to wool growers agan & sat with predatory animal committee who presented strong resolutions endorsing work & demanding public works money. Then to a dinner to meet Mrs. J Mrs Wilson - Mr. Saxe, Mrs. Raventree etc. a bunch of flower lovers who kept us until late. 
Oct 27, 1933
At Woolgrowers after conference with the chief. Important [[talks?]] with Pryor - & Robertson. Back to hotel at 200 pm & with CJ to museum hoping to see [[Suarth?]]. He was not in. Saw museum groups & aquarium & then visited a few minutes with Miss Eastwood. To Wool Growers banquet in evening. I had good conferences with Ralph Taylor. Senator Gorden, Senator Ingalls, Senator Dressler of Nevada, Mr. Cummings & Mr. Armstrong sheep men of Sacto Valley.
Oct 28, 1933
Left Game Commission to see Farley