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Nov 2, 1933
To museum to see Willett & Cantwell Nice visit with both and then to see Lee Chambers who was out of town. In evening to Lyals for dinner. Blanche came over & we had a nice visit with the crowd of folks
Nov 3, 1933
With Willett on ocean between San Pedro & Catalina but found very little. Shot three immature deermans gulls which all proved to be females. To Willetts for dinner in the evening. 
Nov 4, 1933
To see Dr. Rich, Dr. & then Bishop also call Lee Chambers but found him still out of town Also called Linkenfeldter but failed to connect. To Blanches for dinner in evening & then to see Will Rodgers in Dr. Bull Enjoyed it as he is one of the few alleged actors on the screen who actually acts like a human being Willett wants to see my Buellton Tetr[[?inkspot]] and also my [[?]] Song sparrows. Will also send the gull from Columbia river.
Nov 5, 1933
To see Myrtle and Uncle Frank where we spent the day until 4:00 PM when I left for Victorville arriving there at 8:00 PM. Saw the yucca trees again by moonlight just as a big nearly 3/4 moon came up in the eastern sky. Siloutted against its ghostly light in the weird orange glow of the [[du-y?]] atmosphere they produced an indescribably light