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Nov 6, 1933
Left Victorville at 8:00 AM and arrived at Williams at 8:00 PM after a long hard drive. Met Mr. & Mrs Gilchrist there. Saw few birds except where we ate dinner at [[Topvels?]] on the Arizona banks of the Colorado. Parked the car under a Palo Verde tree and ate a cold lunch collected two [[underlined]] song sparrows, a phainopepla & a shrike [[/underlined]]
Nov 7, 1933
Conference with Gilchrist & drove to Grand Canyon. Words can not describe it. It is no larger than the snake canyon so far as the eye could judge. But the brilliant colored rocks & weird lighting effects made it outstanding Returned to Williams for evening & over to Flagstaff to see Gilliam - Visited with Lewis the new state game director until midnight
Nov 8, 1933
With Gilchrist & Bellinger to see Porky crew at Curley Seep RS in action. Here they work 6 man crews - two teams of three men each. One man ahead spots trees - marks them & places bait blocks while other two alternate as climber & ground man. They cover ground at a great rate of speed
Nov 9,1933
Left Flagstaff at 7:30 AM arr Mohave Cal at 8:00 PM. long hard drive & a flat tire didn't add to the joy of the occasion.