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Nov 21, 1933
At office in morning out to see John in P.M. & to Mrs. Berrys for dinner in the evening.
Nov. 22, 1933
At office all day working on mail & birds of Oregon. At home finished cataloguing birds collected recently.
Nov. 23, 1933
In office in A.M on general work. Met Ballard for a conference in P.M. and then to Duck Congress in afternoon. Much disgusted with the general lack of understanding & hoggishness displayed by club members. At home in evening too disgusted to go with duck clubbers to a banquet.
Nov. 24, 1933
[[overstrike]] At office all day - conference wi [[/overstrike]] with Jewett Carter & Prof on a hurried trip to the coast where we found rain & surf too high to allow us to get out. I found an American Scoter dead on beach of Seletz bay & Jewett & I each killed a Pygmy Owl. Other birds about as usual 
Snowy Plover (C)
Least Sandpiper C
Black bellied Plover (2)
Ruddy Duck C on Devils Lake
Rhinocerus auklet 2 dead on beach
Pacific Fulmer 1 dead on beach 
Glaucous winged Gull 1 dead on beach
Brown Pelican 1 [[?]] on beach.
At home 600 PM.
Skinned birds & made up owl leaving others to soak in gas after washing.
Nov 25, 1933
Left office in A.M. in P.M. attending meetings of Pacific N.W. Bird & Mammal [[?]]. Conferences with Garlough & Moore