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Nov 25, 1933 (cont)
Good meetings both in P.M. & evening with fair attendance.
Nov 26, 1933
At home all day-a lazy day in which I did nothing except make up a Scoter. The Least Sandpiper spoiled in gas for some unknown reason.
Nov 27, 1933.
In morning spent a few moments discussing garden problems with Mrs Henry Cabell and then to office where I accomplished little due to a constant string of callers. Left at three to go to Forest Grove with Speer. In evening did better-getting out a 2500 word article for American Forests. 
Nov 28, 1933
In office general office work and working on birds of Oregon. At home in evening.
Nov 29, 1933
To Salem for conferences with various people including Prof Peck with whom I discussed plants for some time. At home in evening making up three salted Heerman's Gulls.
Nov 30, 1933.
At Dads for dinner where I ate a whole of a lot of turkey. Pulled a fast one & worked in the yard all morning cutting down & working up a pear tree affected with blight and mowing the lawn-cutting down an old climbing rose badly affected by mildew each year etc. In evening made up a swan which was a terrible job. It seemed as if I'd never get it done.
Dec 1, 1933 Worked in office all day on Birds of Oregon and talked to Audabon Society at night