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[[Jms?]] Mueller of Penn. State Game Commission was in town and wished very much to see me.
  So took train south from Seattle at 1145 PM 

Jan 20, 1934
  Arrived in Portland 700 AM and to house to shave & clean up.  Called Mueller & made an appointment with him for 500 P.M.  In afternoon at home & then to dinner with Mueller & Frank Wire where we had a good visit.  Mueller very much concerned about Survey & new commission appointed by secretary Wallace.
Jan 21, 1934
To nursery in AM for visit with John and then home for dinner and out with Mueller in PM to art Gallary.  Dinner with Mueller at the Benson where Clara & I were his guests.

Jan 22, 1934. 
In office all day answering letters & interviewing people.  Bill [[Dandon?]], Mr. Carson, Rapraegar & many others.

Jan 23, 1934
Left Portland 800 AM to Gig Harbor with Mueller to Paryan place to look at Holley & thence to Tacoma where I remained until 9 with him & thence to Seattle at 1000 PM.  Met Couch

Jan 24, 1934
  Left Seattle at 900 AM & traveled thru Snoqualmie to Yakima arriving at 500 PM - No birds lots of flood water & clear skys.  Conference with Ed. Kavanaugh. Irv Williams of [[Interandist?]] Credit Bank.  Mr Stout sheepman on Snoqualmie. 

Jan 25, 1934
  At Yakima.  Conference with Nelsen of Yakima Herald.  Tom Drumheller Pres Wash Woolgrowers.  Mr Burlingame & many other sheep men.  with Finley