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Jan 30, 1934
poison statins & found two coyotes. Had to put on chains twice during day & roads bad. Returned to Spokane 1030 PM tired & bum leg hurting from plugging thru the snow. 
Jan 31, 1934
At office answered mail.  Visited Mr. Clemons Editor of Northwest Farm Trio & phoned Boise, Olympia & Portland for data needed. Also called on Mr. Hay & arranged Chamber of Commerce participation in mess we are in. Called at Intermediate Credit Bank but found Meyers out of city until Friday. Received word Douglas was reconsidering Budget recommendation. 
Feb. 1, 1934. Up at 6.30 AM and collected Leonard Morris. Then to Cheney meet Dr. Benard & Mr Walker & thru them John & I had a good interview with Governor Martin on the street corner of his home town. Then over Morris lines picked up two coyotes and visited 4 stations. All in good shape except one which I thot was too close to the road. Found buttercup in bloom & saw hundreds of evening grosbeaks also a small flock of [[leucoskete?]] Then back to office & wrote notes for Gov Martin & Dr Benard. Then to sportsmans meeting at Masonic Temple where there were 800 members & guests of Spokane Co Sportsmen assn. I sat at speakers table & got better acquainted with Stapleton, Hinkley, Bennington a [[illegible]] Clark and several others. gov Martin sent a wire. Adjourned to Devenport Hotel after meeting to Tom Marlowes room & then took Benard & Walker home as they 

Transcription Notes:
poison statins = poison stations, I'm sure.