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Feb 26, 1934
  In office all day.  News of the chiefs transfer to Forest Service spreading around.  In evening to Bridwells for dinner & then to Crouch's for a dance.
Feb 27, 1934.  Answering correspondence & conferring with various department heads
Feb 28, 1934. 
  Same as above. Saw Dr. Cooley & L A Hawkins in B. P. I.
March 1, 1934
  In offices general conferences with various people & see Dr. Fisher in evening
March 2, 1934
  General office works & conferences.  Accomplished quite a bit on general notes on birds of Oregon
March 3, 1934.
  Party at Crouch's & dance.  Had a fine time - spent morning at office & general correspondence in afternoon.
March 4, 1934
  At hotel in A.M. & spent the afternoon in the National Museum looking at groups & exhibits of birds & mammals.
March 5, 1934
  Work on birds of Oregon & general office matters.  Conferences in Bureau
Mar 6, 1934
  General correspondence & work on the birds of Oregon.
March 7, 1934. In office all day - except for some time spent at National Museum looking at Goshawks.  In evening party at the Lotus for the Division Gang.  Don - Leo & I put it on.