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March 20, 1934
Worked on a memorandum for new chief + put out letters to men on CCC work + radio program. In evening to show with Gilchrist + Mr + Mrs Young.
March 21, 1934
Met new chief for a very satisfactory conference and put in balance of the day working on various memos.
March 22, 1934
In morning to see McNary, Pierce, Mott & Martin nice visits with each and also saw Dotson. In afternoon about the office with Young & Crouch
Mar 23, 1934.
Saw Steiner & Chet Wing in morning Made rounds of Bureau in P.M. [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] to say good bye. Dinner with Nelson & then visited with him & Seth Gordon in evening at [[?]] club. 
Mar 24, 1934
Left Washington at 7.00 AM for Philadelphia 9.30 AM. conference with Munch & Mueller also with Michells. 
Mar 25, 1934
Further conference with Munch. Left Philadelphia 6.30 PM arr Newark 8.30 P.M. To Guy's. 
Mar 26, 1934 (Mon.)
Conferences with Shripp & Walters & in afternoon with Lemmon & Wright of House & Garden & Mrs Harrall (phone) of Gardener's Chronicles.
Mar 27, 1934.
To Marshall's, McHutchinson & American Bulb Co. In PM to see Mrs. Harrell for nice visit.