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May 29, 1394 Cont
on [[underlined]] three rocky nobs [[/underlined]] formerly islands but now at least 6 miles from the water. Young just commencing to hatch. Something killing gulls - leaving only heads - 3 or 4 in one spot. Found one [[underlined]] mallard nest [[/underlined]] 7 eggs were 
pelican colony & saw several broods of [underlined]] flapper Canada geese in lake & 200 in [[/underlined]] grain fields. Just as we left gull colony it commenced to rain & in short time we were sliding all over the surface. Got stuck in Willow creek & had a wild time getting out. Finally made it back to Refuge headquarters 830 
May 30, 1934
Into Klamath where left my car for repairs while Ive went with Worcester to Upper Klamath. Saw [underlined]] Cormorant colony [[/underlined]] scattered along Plumas creek for a mile estimated 3000 pairs. Also  lots of [underlined]] Black Crowned Night Herons & [[Fregarya's?]] Herons. [[/underlined]] At least 6 [underlined]] American egrets [[/underlined]] apparently nesting among them. Due to high water could get too them.
Saw broods of [underlined]] young mallards & canvas Teal. [[/underlined]] Lots of [underlined]] Eared & Western Grebes [[/underlined]] & lots of [underlined]] Redheads [[/underlined]] Few [underlined]] Ruddy Duck [[/underlined]] & lots of [underlined]] Cinamon Teal. [[/underlined]] Few [underlined]] Gadwell.[[/underlined]]
On to Mares Egg spring near which I found a [underlined]] Black Tern's nest with two eggs. [[/underlined]] saw several [underlined]] mallards & few geese. [[/underlined]] Lots of [underlined]] Pelicans [[/underlined]] which Hugh says nest in dikes on east side of lake.
May 31, 1934. Left K Falls at 730 AM. To Mares Egg spring. Saw several broods of young [underlined]] Cinnamon Teal - Wilsons Snipe Black Terns [[/underlined]] etc.