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July 7, 1934
   Birds of Oregon & correspondence  I worked about the place some.
July 8, 1934
   Around place all day.  Went for a last swim & home in evening.
July 9, 134
   At office in AM & left for Spokane at 1100 AM arriving about midnight.
July 10, 1934
   Conference with Mr. Lally Mr Robinson & Mr Lee.  Then with the two latter, Dr. Bernard & John Connors to [[underline]] Turnbull Slough [[/underline]] where I checked over area & [[ink smudge over word]] looked [[/ink smudge over word]] at proposed dam site.  Back to Spokane in evening & conferred with Ransom.
July 11, 1934
   Over Slough again with boots checking on birds present and on food plants.  Found an abundance of duck food plants available & saw [[underline] Mallards, Pintails, Shovellers, Green winged, Blue winged & Cinnamon Teal, Canvasback & Redheads[[/underline]] all breeding.  Returned to Spokane in evening.
   List of duck food plants in my report on Turnbull Slough.
July 12, 1934
   Conferred with Ransom & Connors & then to Grand Coulee where I saw several Holboell's grebes and on to Yakima.  Visit with John Hurley & look at his birds