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July 13, 1934
   Visit Elmer & John Finley & then with Finley to Glenwood to look over proposed duck area.  It would not be difficult to flood the entire area but I do not know whether or not it would be possible to flood part.  No water now except in ditches and only a few Mallards present
   On in to Portland for the night arriving at 930 PM
July 14, 1934
   In office until 300 PM & to nursery after that.  From there to Devils Lake arriving at 1030 PM
July 15, 1934
   With Clara & the kids around loop drive to [[Toledo? partially obscured by ink blot]].  Siletz & Hernville beautiful drive.  arranged for an ocean trip but storm commenced.  Stopped to see Prof.
July 16, 1934
   At home all day some writing & letters
July 17, 1934
   Same as above
" [[ditto mark for July]] 18, 1934
   Same as above [[strikeover]] To see Braley [[/strikeover]]
" [[ditto mark for July]] 19, 1934
   Writing & letters at home all day & in evening to see Braley Prof & Ben Lampman
July 20, 1934
   To sea with Prof but saw nothing of any particular interest.  A few Sooty & one pink footed Shearwater & Northern Phalaropes were [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] migrants.  Left at noon for Ike Walton League convention at Silverton