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[[underline]] July 28, 1934 cont [[/underline]]
game. No rodents except marmots & camp & 1 chipmunk.  Birds scarce.  No poison nor sheep hearders to lay it on to.  Think it is a clear case of over population & predatoring  including bobcats.
July 29, 1934
 Slept in a drizzling rain all night. Up early in rain & started down.  All packed except for leading horses when I left & hiked down hill. Saw another [[underline]] grouse [[/underline]] with [[underline]] 3 young.[[/underline]]. Couch & Holly had wild time with horses & didn't get to foot of hill for 1 1/2 hours after I did.  One horse tender footed because of lost shoes.  Other pack horse put on wild rodeo for them
Ray Holley secured two [[underline]] Harlequin [[/underline]]ducks for me near Silverton on our return
July 30, 1934
Left at 10 [[underline]] AM for Verlot where we secured car & on in to Portland at 11 [[underline]] 15 [[/underline]] PM.
July 31, 1934
 Conferred With Finley-Bud Davis- Frank Wise in office & wrote many letters in AM
[[underline]] Aug 1, 1934 [[/underline]]
In office all day. mail-telegrams & interviews with applicants for Chets job
[[ underline]]Aug 2, 1934[[/underline]]
About same as above only more so
Aug 3, 1934
 In office all day-getting in a little work on Savannah sparrows & Juncos with Jewett the first work in weeks on the Birds of Oregon.
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