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Aug 14. 1934
  Arr. Washington 8 [[underline]]40[[/underline]] AM. hot & tired. Went to hotel & secured clean clothes & bath before going to office.  Saw everyone everything in confusion.
Aug. 15, 1934
conferences opened this morning with all present & accounted for.  Mr. Darling started it off & then we adjourned to Youngs office where we held forth all morning.  I was appointed chairman of a committee to write up meeting & draft a new Bible. Gelchrist & Tonkin the other members.  In PM we worked at that
Aug 16, 1934
Hot & sticky.  worked in conference, etc & in notes in PM.
Aug 17, 1934
More of the same. The conference [[unha?]]in am & we writing it up in P.M.
Aug 18, 1934
Same.  In evening to Crouches for a party
Aug 19, 1934
Up in am to Zoo with Bert Smith & Janzen.  In PM  motor boat ride down Potomack.  Saw lots of egrets & few little blue Herons.  Same terns & gulls.
Aug. 20, 1934
Conference again full blast
Aug 21, 1934
More of the same
Aug 23, 1934
Still more of same. Last formal session to be held tomorrow
Aug. 23, 1934
 Last session cleaning up work of conference & then to work writing it up