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Sept 7, 1934
Same as above. Long day in office & 3 trips to hospital.  Worked some on birds of Oregon.
Sept. 8, 1934
Continued in office in morning.  Cleaned basement in PM & to hospital in evening. Wrote a radio talk after returning from hospital.
Sept. 9, 1934
[[strikethrough]] F [[/strikethrough]] To office at nursery in morning-Home in PM & then to hospital.
Sept. 10, 1934
Le at 4 00 AM for Depoe Bay & Newport & spend day at sea. Jewett & Praley took to Rocky [[?]] & I to the ocean. Damn few birds
Saw at sea
     1. Sooty Shearwaters  few
     2. Rhinocerous Auklet  4
     3. Western gull        C
     4. Cal. Murre          C
     5. Northern Phalarope  C
     6. Red Phalarope 2 both collected
     7. Farralon Cormorant  2
     8. Brandts     "       6
     9. Bairds        "      2
     10. Pigeon Guillemot    2
     11. Tufted Puffin      1
     12. White winged Scoter  6
     13. Western Grebe      1

Jewett & Braley saw Surf birds-
Black Turnstones-& Wandering [[ Tatters?]] on Rock
Returned home & cared for birds & stomach to hospital & home to bed at 1 [[underline]] 00 [[/underline]] AM after a strenuous day.