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Sept 17, 1934
Saw Sans, Williams & Jim Sullivan sec of Nevada Game Commission. Went over refuge matter - predatory & rodent problem with Sans. & left Reno at 230 P.M. after lunch at Williams place. Arrived at Alturas 700 PM. Tired & hungry. Found Keyes-Hanson & Hope gone to camp to hunt deer. Wonder if they will send in leave slips.
Sept 18, 1934
Lv Alturas at 430 AM & collected a few birds along the way. arrive at Tule Lake 900 AM & find Worcester gone. Go to Klamath & look over his recovery pens. Has 1200 to 1500 birds in there. Went to Rocky point in P.M. with him & out over the lake. Few sick ducks but an abundance of well one.
Water clearing & clear cold weather helping in cutting down sickness.
1. Red heads. Great raft in Agency lake
2. Pintail common
3. Spoonbill [[ditto for common]]
4. Cinnamon Teal (c)
5. Egrets 10-12
6. [[?]] Heron (c)
7. Black crowned Night Heron (c)
8. Ruddy Duck (few)
9. Mallard (few.)
10. Western Grebe (c)
11. Coot (c)
12. Eared Grebe. (several)
13. Pied billed Grebe
14 Violet Green Swallow C (17) Tree Swallow C
15 Barn [[ditto for swallow]] C
16 Cliff Swallow sev.