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Sept 18, 1934
only 6 {six} sick ducks picked up 3 pintails, 1 spoonbills, 2 green winged Teal + 1 urdgeon. saw numerous carcasses and a number of flappers.
Sept 19, 1934 
Lv Rocky Point at 7 am + go up Pelican Butte to fire lookout to see reservation from there.  [[strikethrough]] saw [[strikethrough]] thence down to Klamath + up to Diamond Lake arriving there at 7 00 pm.
Sept 20, 1934
To Davis Lake + look over its possibilities as a refuge. saw several hundred geese + numerous coots, greebes, teal, mallards etc. Think there is a possibility of duck sickness developing also possibilities of raising water by dam building. Thence home arriving 9 00 pm. 
Sept 21, 1934
To hospital to see Clara. Found her OK. then to office where I found a hell of a mess of work
Sept 22, 1934
In office in morning at hospital + nursery in afternoon + evening
Sept 23, 1934
The great day has arrived for C.J. + I took her to Corvellis to enroll in college. Left her at Waldo Hall at 5 00pm. In evening worked in room.
Sept 24, 1934
with C.J. to town saw Ballard, Shoenfeldt Teutsch - Donaldson + Tasten as well as several others.
arrive in Portland 9 oo 
Sept 25, 1934
Arrive in office 8 00 am and find a terrific mess of mail and a wire 