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Jan 30, 1935
To Scapoose drainage district with Furniss & John Carter where we saw several birds of interest.  Also to Sauvins Island.  Saw the following
[[underline]] Mallard [[/underline]] few
[[underline]] green winged [[/ underline]] Teal few
[[underlne]]Pintail [[/underline]] 50
[[underline]] Scaup [[/ underline]] few
[[underline]] Red-head [[/underline]] at least four
[[underline]] Coot [[/underline]] several hundred
[[underline]] N.W. Coast Heron [[/underline]] several
Sparrow Hawk 2 or 3
W. [[underline]] Red [[/underline]] Tail 2
[[underline]] Short eared [[/underline]] Owl 10-12  2 collectd & given to John Carter.
On arriving at office found a beautiful  [[symbol for female]] [[underline]] duck Hawk [[/underline]] from Bud Davis.  He had salted it and it made up into a fine skin  [[strikethrough]] Jan [[/strikethrough]] We had Mrs. James & Furness invited for dinner & John & Cora dropped in so we had quite a crowd.  Made the Hawk up after 10 00 PM
Jan 31, 1935
In office all day clearing desk - selecting photos for Birds of Oregon writing notes & working on M.S.
Feb. 1, 1935
In office all day. Attended Ike Walton League meeting at noon. In afternoon worked on letters & clearing desk.
Feb 2, 1935
Letter from the chief asking why I wasn't on my way to Washington. Wrote an answer