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Feb 13, 1935
Continued to attend meetings. On spot again but came off O.K. The commissioners met several times but got no where fast. Party at Leos which was good
Feb 14, 1935
Again at meetings all day + conference with Carpenter + Kavanaugh. Dinner at Sperry's + then met [[Neidrach?]] for trip to hills where we secured [[underlined]] 4 Black Leneosticle the first I've ever found [[/underlined]]
Feb 15, 1935
Spend day in Denver Lab office listening to Sperry - Kalmbach etc + skinning my birds. Left at 500 pm on Columbine
Feb 16, 1935
With French on train + had a visit. Off at Cedar Rapids where Grace Allen + the two kids met me + took me to Clear Lake. Where I met Iris + the rest of gang. Iris seemed awfully glad to see her dad + I was glad to see her. Visited until late.
Feb 17, 1935
Visited all day with Iris and [[strikeover]] folks. [[strikeover]] + his family came over a while + I stayed with Iris until 10 [[underline]]00[[/underline]] PM when had to take train. She cried some but tried to be brave
Feb 18, 1935
In Chicago with Tap Gregory + his brother Steve for Lunch + took train at 2[[underline]]00[[/underline]] PM for Washington