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April 8, 1935: q W. Va State Forestry board.
April 9, 1935
Left Marlington 8 00 AM. had a flat tire which delayed us some.  Drove Plymouth to town of Trost.  Cloudy & cold.  Snow on ground.  Left car at Trost & drove 8 miles in truck [[?]] to CCC Camp in Seneca State Forest.  There with Dietz, Gross, Nutberg Griffin, a Mr. Griffeth and Mr. Cox of CCC staff we went over white pine release area. White oak mostly cut in these patches. [[underline]]] Lots [[/underline]] of cornus, some crataegus & Amelanchier, Lots of grape & some Smilax left. No harm. White pine in little draws with oak all around in ridges so acorn loss negligible.  Think work of advantage to game tho believe opened up pine too much for its own good 20 years from now will be solid stand of white pine.
On Ridge plenty of cover & food as above in addition to abundance left in pine. Saw considerable grouse sign also a lot of deer tracks & sign the first of trip.  Forest is protected as a refuge.  In afternoon over to this little lake & walked two miles along ridge looking at thinning job.  No discrimination against wild life food plants. General but light opening up.
   From there went into Monongahela N.F to look at planting job at abe's run but found foot of snow over the little trees so returned to Marlington for dinner & then to Elkins arriving at 9 00 PM.