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July 8, 1935
  In office , didn't get much done because of the number of people who came in to see me.
July 9, 1935
 Repetition of above but did get started cleaning out the desk baskets.  Tired tonight
July 10, 1935
 General office work on reports etc much routine & trouble shooting
July 11, 1935
 Same only more so in morning. Left at noon to go to Survey picnic at Cherepeotu Bay.  Didn't have a swimming suit and didn't have much fun. Hotter than hell.
July 12, 1935
 Some sunburned backs this morning. Worked all day on routine stuff.
July 13, 1935
 Same as yesterday.  Had some  time with family in afternoon
July 14, 1935
 At home all day did some work on the birds of Oregon.
July 15, 1935  In office & at home in evening working on Birds of Oregon.  Hope I have sense enough not to tackle another such job.
July 16, 1935
  Working on cooperative units and general office  work
July 17, 1935
 Same as above