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Sept 27, 1935
Bellsville to look over projected land Fine trip & fine time, Saw a number of birds & a great piece of river bottom land,
Sept 23, 1935
In office in morning. Much work and hurried to train at 4:45 just barely making it after a conference with the chief.
Sept 24, 1935
Arr Chicago at 8:40 AM where I met Tappan Gregory - [[?]] Gregory [[?]] for a visit and caught the [[?]] Rock Island train for West Liberty [[?]]. arrived 4:15 and had a nice visit with Grace & Allen
Sept 25, 1935
Went to train 7:40 AM and arrived Des Moines 11:00 AM. Bode met me. Had a short conference with Seliwob[[?]] and then went to Bode's home for a visit with he and Aldous, Aldous much better man than his brother. Will be a good man for Maine if Hosley doesn't accept.
Sept 26, 1935
Conferences with Schurt & Hutton Dr Drake & Bennett in morning and went to Ames at noon. Met [[?]] [[?]] in afternoon & talked to Seminar[[guess]] at 4:00 PM. Conference with Ernington [[?]] in evening & also Bode & Bennett
Sept 27, 1935
All day in conferences with various people. Bennett good. Like him better all the time. Deane Buchman very much put out at not putting