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Oct 31, 1935.
     Clara joined when told.  Mr. Darling
went with me to dinner & we talked till
midnight about many things so Clara
and I talked later.  Both somewhat stunned
at the sudden turn of events.  It seems 
like a hell of a joke on somebody for
me to be chief and I only hope I'm
not the butt of the joke.  It is to
become effective Nov. 15 just two weeks
from now.
Nov 1, 1935
     Plan to get away tonight instead
of last night which was delayed by
the above.  Still somewhat dizzy.
Worked in office all day with little
result.  Ben Foster, Young, Ballard all
in for conference.  Talked for an hour
with the Chief and then home for 
dinner.  Took B.&O. train out of
Washington at 9:00 P.M. under orders from
the chief to return as soon as it was
humanly possible.
Nov 2, 1935.     Arrived in Chicago at 1:55 &
worked until 4:00 P.M.  Heard the last period
of the thrilling Notre Dame  --  Ohio State game
on a radio in the station.  Rode on the
"Zepher" the Burlingtons crack train from
Chicago to St. Paul.  Seats very uncomfortable
for me.  Changed to N.P. at 10:30.  Met
Aldens for a few minutes.  Got on train
& went to bed.  Something came thru
my window at midnight & shatter
glass all over me.  No one hurt