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we went to dinner and a show together.
Jan 7, 1936
Left NY at 12.40 am. arr Washington at 7.15 am. To office for a meeting of Committee on program. The boys have done a good job and we finished it by noon. I worked in afternoon on the accumulated [[mass?]] of material we had. Tired tonight.
Jan 8, 1935
Worked all day and reached the bottom of the pile. Now its all on Mrs Jacobys desk. Things are really moving now. Feel much better tonight and wrote an editorial for Ray Holland and redrafted the letter to state game commissions on dove question.
Jan 9, 1936.
Never left the office a minute. Conferences with a dozen people this morning. Meeting with conference committee on Wild Life and in the office until 630 working for the next migratory bird commission meeting. In evening worked on editorial for the Field & Stream.
Jan 10, 1936.
In office all day. Working hard on official matters.
Jan 11,1936.
In office until 6.30 conferences all day couldn't get a chance to care for anything in the way of regular business
Jan 12,1936
At home all morning. Went out to the Washington Monument, Freer Art Gallery