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Jan 12, 1936 cont.
and to National Museum. Then to Lincolns and home. Wrote first draft of article and speech at National Wild Life Conference.
Jan 13, 1936
In office all day. Don Gilchrist came and I talked to him in afternoon. Spoke in Darlings place at the Cosmos Club. It was rather a nerve racking experience to talk at such a meeting without preparation.
Jan 14, 1936
At office in morning early. Migratory Bird Treaty Commission. Approved all these projects with the exception of a reservation on the Okofenokee Swamp.
[[strikethrough]]Jan [[/strikethrough]] In afternoon many conferences with these people & many others.
Jan 15, 1936.
Another full day. Called Congressman Ayres of Montana and arranged with him to try to resume restriction on land purchases. Conferences with Silcox and forest service crowd. Also Ding who said he would draw a cartoon for the front of the program. He said he had a fine reaction from my St. Louis talk to the sportsmen. Also a letter from Irving Brant commending me.
Jan 16, 1936.
In office all day on a busy schedule of bureau business. This is a busy time of year and the wild life conference is added trouble.