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Jan 17, 1936.
In office and up to town to buy a couple of suits of clothes worked till late in the office. Left at 800 P.M. for Boston.
[[strikethrough]] In office all morning met a number of people and then home to pack for the trip to Boston. Left at 800 PM [[/strikethrough]]
Attended hearing held by Mass Waterfowlers Association and answered a lot of important questions. This is the worst bunch of game hogs I've talk to yet. Met Bert Smith & talked to him. Too train home at 800 P
Jan 19, 1936
Tired out after two bad nights on the sleeper and a strenuous day in a meeting. Rested until 300 PM when Don and Salyer came. Talked birds to them.
Jan 20, 1936
To office and then to House hearings, where I had my first experience in appearing before the committee. They were not so bad. Carmon of Missouri asked many questions and Judge Tarver some. Bushbee from Illinois also Didn't get away until nearly 5:00 P.M.
Jan 21, 1936
Worked in office all morning and had lunch at Capitol with [[strikethrough]] Congressman Tessuiges of Sandusky Ohio. Made a friend of him I believe. [[/strikethrough]]