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Jan 21 cont.
Just in time to go to Reclamation office with Elmer and discuss matters with Hayden, Johnson,etc. good conference also one later with Henderson about defficiency item and one with gang over big game refuges.
Jan 22, 1936
In office in morning and lunch with Congressman Tersinger of Ohio. Believe I made a friend of him. In afternoon Joe Dixon came in and had a good meeting with him. Then Walt Dutton.
Jan 23, 1936
In office all morning. Lunch with Henry Davis & Nash Buckingham and then back to office. Dunwoody of San Francisco came in. I was surely glad to see him. worked in office until 1030 PM.
Jan 24, 1936
In office all morning except for a brief time at Warburtons to hear Dr. Morgan discuss the Tennessee Valley project. He rambled a good deal & was rather dull. Met A.C. Caton from Michigan who wanted to talk about the Looking glass project. Spent the day in office.
Jan 25, 1936.
Seth Gorden came in a while. Then to Capitol to see Congressman Disney of Oklahoma and Ebnall of Oregon. Also visited Carl Shoemaker. Then back to office and worked most of the afternoon. Came home at 530. Janes for dinner & then to Country Club dance.