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Jan 31,1936
Another hectic day getting ready for [[the?]] conference and worked until late in the office.
Feb 1,1936
Darling reached Washington also Bill Finley. My office was crowded with people all day & far into the afternoon. Bill Finley goes home with me for dinner but Ding ran out at last minute.
Feb 2,1936
At home in morning Bill & I go into the preliminary meetings with the gang and hear a wild debate. got home at midnight
Feb 3,1936.
In office all morning taking care of details with a lot of people in final arrangements for conference. In afternoon to hear Ding hold forth & then to hotel for conference with Ding & others. Icy streets so bad I had no chance to get going home and finally got a hotel room & stayed overnight.
Feb 4,1936
Felt punk and stayed around the conference until eleven & then came home with Art Einarsen. Sinuses plugged up and stayed home all day. Felt better toward evening and went to Geo. Wrights for cocktails. Dinner with Fiesinger.
Feb 5,1936
Went to office late. Didn't feel like going to conference but went with Clara to hear Ding & then back to office where I worked all the afternoon altho I felt punk. Banquet good & Allens [[plots?]] marvellous

Transcription Notes:
Jay Darling was known as 'Ding'.