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Feb 6,1936
Presided at conference. Introducing Ickes etc. good crowd. In afternoon attendance dwindled. Old Senator Hawes blabbed a lot but didn't say anything. Clara, C.J. and I went to White House Reception and were herded around for two hours like a bunch of sheep. good to get home.
Feb 7,1936.
Presented my paper on a "National Program for Wild Life" at Wild Life Conference. Small attendance. A regular blizzard. Meeting wound up at 400 with an announcement of the signing of the Mexican treaty by Senor Juan Zinzer.
Feb 8,1936
Every one going home. Conference with Jim [[Sally?]], Elliot Barker, Sykes - Darling etc. The seem to be really enthused about going home to stir up something for wild life and organize a federation.
Talked in morning with our group of men from cooperative research stations.
Feb 9,1936
Spent the morning sleeping. At noon went after Ding and had him out home where he could rest. Took him  down to Roaches Run in evening to look at the birds. Came home and rested in evening.