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Mar 4, 1936 (cont)
concentration & tension. I'm getting used to it but I'll have to have a little relaxation once in a while. Worked on birds this evening.
Mar 5, 1936.
In office all day. surely had a hectic time and listened to a dozen cases of trouble for everyone except myself. [[?]] Frank Dufresne & wife home & made up a few birds - showed him some & talked Alaska. In Tugwell's ffice [[strikethrough]] Mar 6,1936[[/strikethrough]] with him about duck seasons refuges etc. also talked about some of his resettlement areas as game rangers and he indicated a desire to turn them over to us.
Mar 6, 1936
In office all morning. A quiet day and I actually had a chance to dictate a little while during the morning. Had lunch with Clara & her mother at Cosmos Club. Also met Ernest F. Coe of Everglades park assn. worked in office all day & on the way home at 5.30 P.M.
Mar 7, 1936.
[[strikethrough]]In office all morning.[[/strikethrough]] Left 800 AM with Clara & Lincoln on trip to Philadelphia. Had a beautiful ride & didn't hurry. Arrived at Bellvue - Stratford hotel at 130 PM & had lunch. Left at 345 for [[Ardums?]] where I had a chance to visit with Phil Rose editor of country gentleman and his garden editor. They want a garden article or two and an article on conservation. In evening to Wilderness club and had a