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April 1, 1936 (cont)
and watched a few [[checkmark]] Brown [[underlined]] Pelicans [[/underlined]] fishing. It was fascinating to watch them shoot 
there head forward, twist their wings &
plunge like a dart into the water. The
bay was full of small fishes and the 
clumsy looking but really expert 
fisherman was having a grand time. 
Also saw during day.
[[checkmark]] 1. Wood Ibis (about 100) my first
[[checkmark]] 2. Little Blue Heron 20. first good look at a lot of them
[[checkmark]] 3. Snowy Heron (several)
[[checkmark]] 4. Egret several
[[checkmark]] 5. Wards Heron 2
[[checkmark]] 6. Great Blue Heron (1) M
[[checkmark]] 7. Royal Tern 2
[[checkmark]] 8. Black bellied Plover (2)
[[checkmark]] 9. Florida Cormorant C
[[checkmark]] 10. Mockingbird C
[[checkmark]] 11. Loggerhead shrike 10 etc. 

April 2, 1936
Left Captiva at 1100AM arr Miami 700PM.
Stopped several times trying to locate 
Audubon Wardens but no luck. Crossed
the everglades and enjoyed it very much. Saw much interesting bird life.
[[checkmark]] 1. Anhinga. (1) My first
[[checkmark]] 2. Louisiana Heron C
[[checkmark]] 3. Snowy "[[ditto for: Heron]] C
[[checkmark]] 4. Egret several
[[checkmark]] 5. Little Blue Heron (C)