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April 23, 1936
Conference in A.M. Lunch with Kalmbach & Speery. Spoke to Isaac Walton League in evening.
April 24, 1936.
Conference spoke at City Club at noon - Conference in evening at banquet. Had to land on Ben Foster and young Rassmussen for drinking too much.
April 25, 1936
Saw various people and left Denver at 1000AM with Leo in [[Hammons?]] Dodge. & landed without incident at Crescent Lake Refuge about 600PM. Saw about 2000 Shovellers in one flock. also few other birds. Stayed at refuge.
April 26, 1936.
[[Over?]] refuge visiting several lakes and finding those fenced last year already much improved in food & cover. Shot a huge black cat at Crane lake. Lots of ducks particularly at Deer Lake, Crane Lake, Island Lake & a number of smaller lakes. This boy Earl Ladd knows his water birds.
1. White Pelicans 50
2. Great Blue Heron 2
3. Coot (C)
4. Shoveller (C)
5. Blue winged Teal (C)
6. Gadwell (C)
7. Widgeon (few)
8. Canvasback few
9. Redheads few
8. Ruddy Ducks few
9. Bufflehead (few)
10. Scaup (C)
11. Mallard (C)
12. Pintail few
13. Franklins Gull 2
14. Dowitcher 10-12
15. Lesser Yellowlegs (C)
16. Marbled Godwit (1)
17. Pectoral Sandpiper 2