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June 17,1936
Went to Detroit Lakes leaving Fargo at 10.30AM and then started for Mud & Thief Lakes. Car broke down & we had to get towed into Ullen. Temporary repairs only were possible and we went on the Crookston arriving 800PM  No repairs possible here.
June 18,1936
Drove to Thief River Falls and got repairs leaving at 1000AM & driving to CCC. Camp Looked over Thief Lake project and then to Mud Lake - arriving at Baudette at 900PM tired & unable to get a room & bath.
June 19,1936
Left Baudette 6.30AM and arrived at Pork Rapids at 600PM. Visited Upper & Lower Red Lakes enroute.
Saw [[underlined]]Clay Colored Sparrows[[/underlined]] short billed [[underlined]]Marsh Wrens[[/underlined]], [[underlined]]Maryland Yellowthroats [[/underlined]], [[underlined]]Song Sparrows[[/underlined]] &[[underlined]] White throated[[/underlined]]sparrows in the marshy over grown with [[?]] Alder & Willow. Tough country to travel but I did manage to collect the first two which were both exceedingly abundant. Hard country filled with tick mosquitos, buffalo gnats & deer flies.
June 20,1936
Left Pork Rapids about 800AM and traveled to Detroit Lakes thru the southern portion of out Tamarac Lakes refuge. Fine area spent afternoon conferring with various sportsmen and offices of the Minn. Game Protective League.