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July 6,1936
In the office. Again a hectic day, including drouth committee meeting. Ate lunch with Henry Davis, Mort Palmer - Carl Shoemaker. Many trivial things.
July 7,1936
Worked all day on regulations - budgets etc. Carl Shoemaker out with me to dinner. After he left Greens' came.
July 8,1936
Hotter than hot in the first real heat of the season. Worked like a trojan in the office all day with the sweat pouring off me and the evening was no better tried to work.
July 9,1936
Hot again. Up to 104°. Worked all day & did not suffer much. In evening tried to work at home but not much success as the kids made too much noise. We got $600,000 of W.PA. money with a 60 day string on it. Ordered Steele & Leichhardt in to Washington to help on it.
July 10, 1936
Hot again. Worked all day. Got a promise over the phone from Ferry Carpenter to help me build some buildings at the Desert Range in S. Nev. Guy called and wanted us to come over this week end. Called Clara & she said O.K. Talked to Tugwell.
July 11,1936
Woke 4.30AM and off to N.J. at 500AM. Got thru Baltimore before traffic started and had breakfast at Aberdeen Md. On to Bernardsville NJ

Transcription Notes:
drouth seems to be an old spelling of drought c.f.,3849231&hl=en