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July 11,1936.
Hotter than hot but a short shower about 600PM made a vast difference
July 12,1936.
Slept late & then out to Guys. Stayed all day & Guy took me to Trenton for an evening train. I arrived home at 1100PM tired & hot.
July 13,1936
In office all day and spent it working on various matters. Attended drouth committee meeting. Tried on suit and worked [[strikethrough]]all[[/strikethrough]] rest of day on mail & routine matters.
July 14,1936
In office all day on many routine matters. Conference with Tugwell about regulations. To show with Clara & the kids.
July 15,1936
In office all morning. Hearing for Maryland group headed by Senator Radcliff & Rep. Goldsborough. Home to pack change clothes & catch train for Chicago at 440PM.
July 16,1936
In Chicago at 840AM. Met [[Bub?]]Sturgis & Salyer. Lunch at Univ. Club with them and Steve Gregory. Also a visit with Tap. & home to dinner with him. To Chicago at 915PM on Sante Fe Col. Limited.
July 17,1936
Enroute to Albuquerque. Worked all day on book. Kansas and Okla. looks much better than Dakotas.