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July 18,1936
Arr Albuquerque about 8.30AM met by Gilchrist & taken to his home. Visited [[?]] & there to office. Saw John Gallin and others there. Met Judge Botts. Elliot Barker, etc. State Leg'on. Ray Stern
July 19,1936
Visit warehouse take train at noon for L.A. Crowded & obliged to take upper berth. Hot even in air cooled train
July 20,1936
Arr L.A. at noon on Santa Fe. Met by Jacobson, Ryan, etc. To hotel for clean up and visit with various people. Talked to bunch at U.C.L.A. in evening.
July 21,1936
North with Elliot Barker leaving at 600AM. Hot & dirty almost to San Jose arr San Francisco at 700P.M. at Whitcomb Hotel. Met Jim Moffett, etc
July 22,1936
At Convention visiting with various people. Lunch at noon with Darling Finley, Tod Powell & owners of Chronicle Conferences with various people.
July 23,1936.
Spoke at Convention in AM. Talked on Radio. Lunch with Karl Meyer and his committee and visit with Horn & Tracy [[Sliver?]]. Left at 300 PM with Joe Keyes. Met Poole at Davis Y. & on to Redding with Pool - Traube, Nordenholt, Shoemaker, Finley & Carl Shoemaker arrive at midnight.