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July 31, 1936
See Zimmerman Newell Cooke- a go with Cooke & Laythe to Ogden to see Cookes project & on to Bear River. Lots of birds on latter. [[underlined]]Avocets, Stilts, Ibis, Franklins Gulls-Pelicans & ducks[[/underlined]] mostly in flapper stage altho many beyond. A fine crop of late [[underlined]]red heads , ruddys & gadwall[[/underlined]]. Down river in boat for a trip thru the refuge 
Aug 1, 1936
Over rest of refuge & leave at 10.30 AM with Laythe. arrive at Red Rock Lakes at 630 PM.
Aug 2, 1936
Meet Harper member of Montana Game Commission & another fellow & with Laythe & Archie Hull over refuge until two P.M. Saw a number of [[underlined]] Trumpeter Swans[[/underlined]], and Hull reports his census of a few days ago as showing 31 adults and 26 cygnets. We also counted 18 on Henry Lake. Lots of other birds on refuge.Left 200 PM thru yellowstone park  - stopping at old Faithful for a short time & on to Jacksons Hole arriving at Elk refuge 8.30PM.
Aug 3, 1936
Over refuge and up Gros Ventre river over the Elk wintering range. Saw and collected my first
1. [[underlined]]Mountain Chickadee.[[/underlined]]
2. [[underlined]]Pink sided Juncos.[[/underlined]]
Bob Wallace - Almer Nelson & Laythe accompanied me. Saw Orange Olsen and another Forest Service man a few moments in the evening