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Aug 14, 1936
Still at home except for a short time in office in A.M. & to bank
Aug 15, 1936
Still straightening out place. Mowing lawn-clipping it & cleaning up junk.
Aug 16, 1936
At home cleaning up and in afternoon had a reception to which at least 60 people came.
Aug 17, 1936
Back in office and worked all day at accumulated papers.
Aug 18, 1936
Same only more so & took a good lot of punishment
Aug 19, 1936
Same as above
Aug 20, 1936
Still same & worked hard enough to pretty well clear my desk. 
Aug 21, 1936
Again in office all day. Pretty well caught up. So much so that I'm considering taking some time off next week.
Aug 22, 1936
To Island with the [[strikethrough]]In office all morning. Mowed lawn this afternoon & cleaned up place a little.[[/strikethrough]]family their first visit & my first since becoming a member
Aug 23, 1936
To  Wickens collecting birds.It was hot-sultry & got wet in a shower.