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Sept 24, 1936
Left cabin at 8.30AM for Pine Barrens about 10 miles south but had to drive many miles around. Snowing & blowing & very cold (43°) at 7.00AM. Later cleared off and a beautiful day. Secured my fist Hudsonian Chuckadees, a ruffed grouse a red tailed Hawk a blue Jay & two  myrtle warblers. The pines were full & the latter every where. There were literally thousands of them: The white throated sparrows have largely cleared out. Only a few left compared to the hordes of yesterday. 
Birds noted.
1. Pied billed Grebe 3 in Pine River
2. Ruffed Grouse 1 Salmon trout river
3. Red tailed Hawks 1  "    "     "
4. Hairy Woodpecker 1  "    "     "
5. Northern Flicker  5 or 6 on Pine Barrens
6. Blue Jay 2 on Salmon Trout
7. Crow 2 on Pine Barrens
8. Vesper Sparrow 2 on Pine Barrens
9. White throated " [[sparrow]] Few on Salmon Trout
10. Slate colored Junco C. Pine Barrens
11. Palm Warbler Few         "     "
12. Myrtle Warbler Abundant  "     "
13. Red breasted Nuthatch  1 "     "
14. Chickadee        4       "     "
15. Hudsonian "      4       "     "
16. Golden crowned Kinglet Few "   "
17. Hermit Thrush  2         "     "
18. Robin       flocks       "     "
Ruffed grouse had about 400 elm seeds & 20 hard maple seeds in the crop