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Oct 4, 1936 cont
15. Hermit Thrush  1
16. Mockingbird  5 or 6
17. Maryland Yellowthroat  1
18. Magnolia Warbler  2
19. Myrtle " [[ditto for Warbler]]   C.
20. Field Sparrow  8-10
21. White throated Sparrow  2
22. Cardinal  2
Oct 5, 1936
   Up early and worked in yard but didn't stay long enough to be late at office. Just a mess of small stuff coming thru all day.  Tired at night.  Couches and Mrs Day at house for dinner.
Oct 6, 1936
   I had a nice talk with Tugwell this AM about various matters and worked the rest of the day with mail and routine.
Oct 7, 1936
   Same as above only more so
Oct 8, 1936
In office busy day - conferences & reports with many people.
Oct 9, 1936
   Worked hard all day in the office on numerous things.  Worked a while at home on books.
Oct 10, 1936
   Stayed home & worked in garden.  Went out & bought some climbing roses and planted them. Ordered lumber to build shelves in the attic.  Packed books & worked all day around home.  To Silvers in the evening for a party.