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Oct 28, 1936
To Audubon Soc. office.  Conference with Leopold - Baker Vorhees etc and then to see Bob Leuman for lunch at the Commodore and then to "More Game Birds in Amer office". Clara June over & we had dinner & then to see Duncan Sisters in "New Faces" at Vanderbilt
Took 12:40 PM train
Oct 29, 1936
 Arrive 7:[[writeover]] 15 [or] 30 [[/writeover]] AM  breakfast at home and then to office.  Worked all day not even getting time for lunch.  Home at 5:00 PM and took a nap after dinner before starting to work.  Wrote quite a while in evening.
Oct 30, 1936
   Worked hard in office all day.  Nothing of major importance but a million small things.  Tired when I got [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] but had to go to Jim Silver's steak fry at Beltsville and had a nice time.  Rather cold but still a good time.
Oct 31, 1936.
   Up early and out to Beltsville with Lincoln's & the kids.  Had a royal good time but didn't spend much time looking for birds as we looked over fences etc.  Found a robin which had killed itself against the fence & collected a couple of [[underline]] Rusty blackbirds [[\underline]] also a Field Sparrow which had its bill shot completely off.
1.  Coopers Hawk ad [[male symbol]] with a bird in its talons flew up from blackthorn place.  [[?]] it was a song sparrow.
2.  Turkey Buzzard  2